Step by step
From Mountain Pose take a big step back with your left leg, toes pointing slightly in. Bend your front knee over your ankle, in line with your 2nd or 3rd toe. Bring your right thigh toward parallel with the floor.
Press the four corners of your feet down, engage the muscles of your legs. Find a balance between opening and stretching your hips without sagging or collapsing. Press your feet firmly into the floor and keep your legs strong.
Raise your arms parallel to the floor, wrists in line with your shoulders. Roll your shoulders down away from your ears. Stretch your arms. Keep a soft, steady gaze over your right middle finger.
Press down through the outer edge of your back foot.
From your navel to your pubic bone draw the abdominal wall back and lengthen your spine. Extend through your collarbones and fingertips.
Stay in this pose for 5 breaths. To come out of the pose straighten your legs, step your feet together and repeat on the other side.
Opens the hips and shoulders.
Stretches the inner thighs, groin, and chest.
Strengthens the legs, abs, and arms.
Pay Close Attention
Do not try to force your feet in the same track (heel to heel). Keep the width between your feet a little wider.
Avoid this posture if recent hip or knee surgery.
Gently draw your shoulder blades together, to keep your chest open. Maintain your wrists at shoulder height. If any shoulder injury, keep your hands on your hips.
Keep the bent knee over your ankle and in line with your 2nd or 3rd toe.
Avoid this posture if recent hip or knee surgery.