Warrior 1 Virabhadrasana 1
Step by step
From Mountain Pose step your left foot back, keep the foot flat on the floor and turn your toes slightly out. Keep your feet hip distance apart, or even a little wider to give ease to your sacrum and SI joints.
Bend your right knee over your ankle and keep it in line with the 2nd and 3rd toe. Bring your right thigh towards parallel to the floor.
Bring your hands to your hips. Your hips will not be square here but there is the feeling of aligning your hips with the front edge of the mat by bringing your left hip point forward. Keep your upper body facing the front edge of the mat and your shoulders level and square as you lift your arms straight up.
Press the outer edge of your back foot down and lift from the inner arch. Keep the back leg engaged.
From your navel to your pubic bone, draw the abdominal wall gently back. Lengthen your spine up out of your waist. Keep the front low ribs in line with your front hip points.
Stay in this pose and breath for 5 breaths.
To come out of the pose, inhale and press through your back heel as you straighten the front leg. Exhale and lower your arms. Step your left foot forward along side the right at the top of your mat.
Improves balance and posture.
Stretches and strengthens the feet, ankles, calves and thigh muscles.
Improves mobility in shoulders and hip joints and opens the chest and lungs.
Pay Close Attention
Do not try to force your feet in the same track. Keep your feet at least hip distance apart, or even a little wider. If you still feel discomfort in the lower back or pelvis region, lift your back heel up for High lunge / Crescent pose instead.
Avoid this posture if recent hip or knee surgery.