Step by step
Stand facing the front of your mat with your feet about hip distance apart.
Step your left foot back and turn your toes slightly out to the left, about 45 degrees. Keep your front foot straight. Feel stable through both legs.
Try to keep your hips square to the front of your mat.
Lengthen through both sides of the waist, draw your lower belly in and up and lift your arms up.
Fold at the hips, tilt your pelvis over your right thigh as you reach forward extending your torso over your right leg. Place your hands either on the ankle, the floor or blocks.
Continue to fold over your right leg. Draw your heart towards your right big toe to find natural extension through your spine, then bring your forehead towards your knee.
Try to keep the right big toe down, and the back foot flat on the floor.
To come out press your feet firmly into the floor, inhale and reach your arms up to the ceiling as you come back to standing straight.
Switch your feet and repeat on the other side.
Benefits of Pyramid pose
Strengthens the legs and back.
Stretches the back, inner thighs, glutes, hamstrings, calves, spine, and shoulders.
Improves balances.
Stimulates abdominal organs.
Pay Close Attention
Allow your back hip to roll forward and down a bit to maintain ease in your SI joints
Keep a micro-bend in the front knee if your hamstrings are tight.
Place your hands on blocks to improve balance.
Exercise caution practicing this posture after hip surgery. Use a shorter stance between feet and a slight bend in the front knee.