On Happiness and Wholeness
We are already whole and complete just as we are. We don’t need to buy another thing, or seek to find, or search out some distant teacher. We can realize this truth in the comfort of our own home today! The constant craving for some “thing”, some “one”, or some “experience” to make us happy or happier is a carrot on the end of the stick that we can never quite take a bit out of. Or if we do manage to get a bite, our restless hunger will soon be back, driving us back out into the world to find satisfaction. I am not by any means prescribing an acetic life of renunciation or denial of pleasure or enjoyment. I am merely speaking to the endless urge for more. Whatever way that “more” shows up for you. Owning material objects is not the problem, it’s when all those material objects begin to own you. For the majority of us, we already have everything we need, and more!
We have an inborn, innate capacity to be content. It’s not something we have to go out and get a certificate to achieve, it's built in hardware! I am suggesting we lower our barriers to let joy in… the stories and narratives (which serve a purpose at some point but are often held onto and repeated for longer than what serves us), the judgements, biases, and giant bag of likes and dislikes.
I was definitely hooked for a long time on the endless search, a longing, or a seeking that seemed to lead me in circles. Including this current trip I am on. I never quite felt I was any further along than before. The teachers and guides we have the fortune of meeting merely point the way up the mountain but cannot walk there for us. It seems now all the teachers I have had in the past were no more than, and no less than, a friend along the journey. Some people are adventure or thrill seekers, I was a knowledge seeker. Could I have come to these same conclusions sitting in my room in meditation, or simply just living my life to the best of my ability without worrying about the rest? Without the countless trips to India, 10-day silent vipassana courses, retreats, trainings, workshops? I guess it’s hard to say. From the way I feel right now it seems knowing your inner truths need nothing more than a willingness to look deeply at yourself. The geographical location seems unimportant. The point is, now I know we each already have all the tools we need to live fulfilling, happy lives. This is a huge weight off my shoulders as I now feel I can just enjoy my life while doing the most good possible for those around me along the way. This knowing is my peace. I hope you know it well.
”Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnat
Purnamudachyate Purnasya Purnamadaya Purnamevavashisyate
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaanti"