Beginning Yoga

August 30, 2022

Beginning Yoga

Dear one reading this, you are perfect to begin exactly as you are right now as you enter into this gift of a new day. To take another step towards your goals, to become fearless, to become free from our limiting beliefs and narratives. To transform ourselves, to uplift our spirits and inspire and elevate your entire being is the greatest joy; it is the greatest, most wonderful task for which life can be utilized. That is why you have found yourself here. 

Moments, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons and years pass. Life is so precious, not to be wasted. My intention is that you reflect, contemplate and study yourself and then purposely decide to overcome all the things that have to be overcome, and manifest all the goodness you are capable of. My intention is to enthuse you to take up this task with determination and purposefulness. Be inspired! Be inspiring! Think of it not as work, but as an opportunity. No-one else can do it for you. In this journey, you are not alone. All who have come before us on this path, all who are reading this, along with the one writing it- each human being can become his own best friend. Within you is strength, within you are the answers and inspiration. Within you is an ocean of bliss. Within you is a fountain of joy. Within you is the resource for overcoming all obstacles, for meeting all challenges. This is your inner being.

Take hold of every opportunity, and make use of every moment.


May we live in this awareness. 
