Ayurvedic Winter Warming Routine: 3 Tips
The biggest lesson I have learned from living on our homestead is to be sensitive to, and in tune with the rhythms of nature. Watching the garden change from fall to winter is a powerful reminder to slow down and rest; however, if taken to the extreme we can become too sluggish. Our wellness practices often need to shift to keep us in balance during the changing seasons. Winter, in particular, is a wonderful season for deep reflective sadhana (practice.) There is a natural pull to turn our attention inward and slow down.
Perform 5-10 rounds of Sun Salutations in the morning. This Yoga asana sequence warms the body and stimulates metabolism and elimination. Perhaps many of you know this sequence by heart already, if not, I have a simple video posted on my YouTube Channel. If you are able, include Ujjayi pranayama which also increases warmth in your body and helps to focus your mind.
Include Abhyanga and/or dry brushing to your wellness routine. This simple self-care ritual will hydrate your skin during these cold, windy months when we often spend more time inside around heaters. These practices can also boost immunity, decrease the effects of aging, increase circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, and detox the body. Join me for an Abhyanga Workshop in January!
Remember presence. You can call this practice by many names. Breathwork, meditation, contemplation… Use the increased amount of time spent indoors during the shorter days of sunlight to start or restart your presencing practices. When you dedicate time to slow or interrupt the endless thinking process and find stillness and silence, you settle into that deep well of peace within and your awareness grows, so does your resilience. Start with an accessible amount of time for you, maybe just 5 minutes daily, and be consistent.