3 Tips to Keep Up Your Practice While Traveling 

October 13, 2023

Whether for work or pleasure, traveling gets us out of our daily habits. In some ways this is a good thing and can be helpful. Traveling can give us a much needed reprieve from the routine of daily life: washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, etc. Not to mention the habitual ways which the mind tends to form thoughts, judgements and opinions about people or experiences. Traveling, especially internationally, can open us up to the beauty of different cultures, ways of doing and seeing, view points, and lived experiences. 

My husband and I recently traveled to Japan to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary- this has been on our bucket list for many years and we finally decided to do it. I was inspired by how respectful and mindful the people are. Thousands of years of meditation and sadhana still threads peace through the culture. They are helpful and patient with elders, trusting of one another to the point that bikes are left unlocked on the street and garages are left wide open with no fear of theft, and we did not see one piece of trash in the streets or parks. 

All that said, one of my greatest challenges while traveling is keeping up with a consistent practice. I have arthritis in my low back and keeping a regular therapeutic yoga practice is my way of managing pain. As long as I stay consistent with my practice, the discomfort does not interfere with my daily activities. Here are my 3 tips!

This is not an endorsement for any particular brand. Any mat/towel that is thin enough to fold up and place in the bottom of your bag, or roll up into your backpack will work. Just the pressure “I brought it so I better use it” is sometimes enough motivation to get us on our mat.

Even if you only do a few, this sequence stretches your hips, shoulders and back. Add a side bend and a twist and you have moved your spine in all the healthy directions it needs to go! Usually after the sun salutations your body will intuitively move in the way it needs through a few more postures. 

You can repeat “I am aware I am breathing in, I am aware I am breathing out, 10.” Continue counting backwards to zero. I am a firm believer that our wellness practices need to unfold on their own instead of being forced. If the breathing practice leads into a state of meditation, go with it. Perhaps you find yourself sitting a bit longer in stillness and silence. A deeper presence can lead to a fuller experience of your travels.